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Genus: Homo

Species: H. Sapiens

Whale, hello there!

Thanks for dropping by :)


My name is Amanda Woon, and this blog is a part of a project for a Conservation Psychology module.


I am a third year Communications student in Nanyang Technological University with a second major in Psychology. I enjoy the study of the human mind, and I love applying what I know into producing change.


I am allergic to most furry friends (including my own dog; she was adopted, and my reactions have since gotten less severe), but I love animals, especially getting to see them in the wild. Colours of the Wind from Pocahontas was my childhood anthem, and I have since worked with two NGOs as part of my modules that seek to protect animals and the ecosystem. 


I took this module to complement my interest and eventual goal of working for conservation causes, and chose this topic because honestly, I talk to my dog all the time.


But more importantly, i thought that this was an area where interesting 

psychological theories and concepts were used in an applicable way, with implications that are also considerably more tangible. 


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